For the first time since leaving 305 Crown Street in the early 1990s, the Amateur Radio Club at Yale has its first fixed location in New Haven.
At last night’s club meeting, members voted to approve the proposal that W1YU rent a room at the Graduate Club on the New Haven Green to be used as a club house and to set up a fixed HF/VHF/UHF station at the site.
The idea initiated with W1YU Secretary & Treasurer, Dr. Ed Snyder, W1YSM, who has been instrumental in the recent revival of the Yale club as well as the on-campus amateur radio experience nationwide. Dr. Snyder recently funded the W1YSM Snyder Family Collegiate Amateur Radio Endowment to help the ARRL focus some of its efforts on getting college stations back on the air and active. Dr. Snyder, a professor at the Yale School of Medicine is a member of the Graduate Club and has generously offered to pay the rent on the new club space through the summer.
Last night’s meeting was held at the Graduate Club so members could see the second floor space first-hand. Members have begun making offers to donate surplus and backup gear to build the HF station which we hope to have on the air soon. One of the bigger problems confronting W1YU is the placement of HF antennas; several ideas were proposed at the meeting last night.
It is hoped that having a permanent presence near campus will help attract additional student members who either already hold an amateur radio license or may be interested in earning their ticket. Plans for the space include holding all future club meetings and VE sessions there, participating in future contests and on-air events, and setting up a special event station during Alumni Week.
Following last night’s meeting, Dr. Snyder hosted the weekly W1YU net from the Graduate Club, using his Yaesu handheld, coupled to a mag mount antenna affixed to a cookie sheet as a ground plane. Signal reports from AA6E, Martin, and K1RSU, Rich, stated it was Ed’s best signal ever into the W1WPD/R repeater in Woodbridge!
Our next club meeting will be held at our new location on Monday, March 27, 2017 at 5:30 PM. The Graduate Club is located at 155 Elm Street in New Haven and W1YU is located in the 2nd floor conference room. All interested parties, whether licensed or not, whether Yale affiliated or not, are welcome to attend - come see what’s happening at W1YU!
W1YSM, Dr. Ed Snyder, makes the first QSO from the new W1YU home at the Graduate Club in New Haven on February 22, 2017 - photo courtesy of AA6E, Dr. Martin Ewing.