A heartfelt thank you to our own Dr. Ed Snyder, W1YSM, Yale ARC’s Treasurer and Secretary for his generous gift to endow the ARRL Collegiate Amateur Radio Initiative!
Ed said he wanted to give something tangible back to Amateur Radio and to honor his family member’s prominent association with Amateur Radio. His father and his uncle were involved with the retail side of radio - his dad, Jack, at Allied and Lafayette, and his uncle, Ben Snyder, W1SOH (SK), an executive at New York City’s Harrison Radio.
“The idea of setting up an endowment through the ARRL seemed like a perfect solution,” he said, “I want to focus on collegiate Amateur Radio and hope that the W1YSM Snyder Family Collegiate Amateur Radio Endowment will help the ARRL focus some of its efforts on getting college club stations back on the air and active. Amateur Radio needs to have a bigger impact in this age of cell phones and digital communications.”
Ed has been instrumental in the revival of the Amateur Radio Club at Yale this past year, for which we are grateful. Although only a licensed operator for about a year, Ed brings much infectious enthusiasm to the hobby.
Thank you for all your generous gifts to the radio community, Ed!
See link below for full news article at the ARRL website.