October 17, 2017
W1YU congratulates the seven new amateur radio operators who earned their first tickets at our VE session held on October 7, 2017 at the W1YU clubhouse.
- AC1DK, Evan Zayls Geller (Am Extra)
- KC1IGV LeRoy Kidd (Tech)
- KC1IGW Charles Doane (Tech)
- KC1IGX Lior Trestman (Tech)
- KC1IGY Christopher Reed (Tech)
- KC1IGZ Zachary Balleisen (Tech)
- KC1IHA Michael Furlo (Tech)
Now that you’re licensed, we hope you will become active members of the Amateur Radio Club at Yale and we hope to work you on the air. Don’t forget about our weekly Yale net on Tuesday nights at 8:00 pm Eastern time on the W1WPD/R repeater in Woodbridge - 442.500 MHz+ 073 DCS.
Also, thanks to our VEs who participated in the October 7 VE Session:
- N3NFP, Scott Matheson
- AA6E, Martin Ewing
- K1RSU, Richard Pizzoferrato
- KC1EEO, Brenda Brown